Contributor Guidelines


NACD Directorship is an exclusive NACD membership benefit. All 19,000-plus NACD members receive the magazine either in their mailbox or via an email link on a bimonthly basis. Directorship is written and edited for corporate board directors, C-level management, and those allied to them. Articles should be clearly written and topics should reflect the author’s area of expertise. When considering a subject for a magazine piece, ask yourself: "What would have the most impact on the reader in his or her role as a director or senior company officer?"

How to Submit

An article should be submitted electronically as an attachment with an e-mail cover letter. The email cover letter should include: The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses of the authors.

All submissions should be in MS Word format, single space, Times New Roman, 12 point, with little to no formatting.

The editors reserve the right to edit all copy for accuracy, clarity, length, and adherence to NACD style guidelines. A proof of the edited article will be e-mailed to the author for final approval prior to publication.

What to Submit

We encourage the citation of examples and quotes from directors.

Charts and tables are very much encouraged and should be submitted separately in Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, or JPG format. Please submit the underlying source data for all charts so that we can re-create them if necessary.

Articles are typically slotted as a single-page feature with an estimated or not-to-exceed word count of 700 words or a two-page feature with an estimated or not-to-exceed word count of 1,400. In addition to the article, please e-mail a two- to three-line author’s bio and a recent four-color headshot as a JPG or TIFF (minimum 300 dpi).

Please provide information regarding any relationship with companies/sources in the proposed article. Please specify if you have a consulting relationship or if you serve on a corporate board.



By submitting your article to NACD Directorship magazine you assign copyright ownership to NACD, unless otherwise agreed to in writing with NACD. This assignment of ownership shall vest upon NACD’s publication of the article; all rights shall revert to you if NACD does not publish the article within 12 months of submission. We do not guarantee the publishing of unsolicited material. You acknowledge that you are the sole author of the article and that the article does not violate the intellectual property rights of others. As the copyright owner of the article, NACD reserves the right to edit all copy for accuracy, clarity, length, and adherence to NACD's style guide and to publish the finished article in any medium. Published contributors are entitled to a complimentary copy of the issue their work appears in.


Please email Editor-in-Chief Judy Warner at or Managing Editor Jesse Rhodes at

For information about advertising in NACD Directorship, please contact Publisher Christopher Y. Clark at