2015-2016 NACD Public Company Governance Survey

Newer public company survey data are available at nacdonline.org/survey

In Brief: The 2015–2016 NACD Public Company Governance Survey presents findings from our annual questionnaire that was in the field from March through May 2015. This report details the 1,034 public company responses received and is supplemented by data compiled by Equilar, a provider of executive compensation data. This year’s study offers new analysis on the urgent issues of engaging with activists, shareholders, and cybersecurity oversight practices. It also is designed in a new format to better highlight key findings and enable easier online navigation between sections.

Reports containing data from our private company and nonprofit governance surveys are published separately.

How Boards Can Use this Resource:

  • Identify areas for improvement in current governance practices, including board composition, structure, succession planning and risk oversight;
  • Learn about key issues boards discuss with institutional investors
  • Inform your board’s strategy for designing executive compensation plans;
  • Benchmark your board’s strategic priorities; and
  • Compare  relative time allocation to fulfilling key board activities

Relevant Audiences: Board members and corporate secretaries of public companies, especially board chairs, lead directors and committee chairs.