NACD Nominating and Governance Committee Chair Advisory Council: Changing Committee Structures in Response to Evolving Board Needs

In brief: The broader scope of oversight duties and the increased time commitment required to take care of those duties may lead nominating and governance committee chairs to reconsider their board’s current committee structure. 

At a recent meeting of the NACD Nominating and Governance Committee Chair Advisory Council, Fortune 500 directors discussed how board committee structure evolves and adapts to the changing business environment. The discussion covered the following topics:

  • Reevaluating and adapting, if necessary, the scope and structure of board committees to respond to changing governance needs.
  • Maintaining a clear allocation of oversight responsibilities.
  • Considering the impact on information flow across the board when modifying board-committee remits.

This resource can help your board:

  • Consider how other boards expand the scope of an existing committee.
  • Understand why other boards create—and/or sunset—a new committee.

Most relevant audiences: Nominating and governance committee members