Technology Brief: A Board Primer on Blockchain

In brief: Drawing on interviews with blockchain experts and directors, this joint NACD and Broadridge brief offers a primer to help strengthen the board’s understanding of this rapidly emerging and difficult-to-understand technology.  It breaks down how the technology works, offers industry examples of innovative uses of blockchain, and includes practical director tips to spark meaningful conversation with management about the risks and opportunities of blockchain.

How boards can use this resource:

  • Understand how this new technology works and can create business value.
  • Learn how different industries are experimenting with blockchain.
  • Recognize the risks and challenges related to this technology.
  • Assess whether your organization is operationally prepared to reap the benefits of blockchain.
  • Develop an approach to effectively oversee the adoption and use of blockchain inside your enterprise.

Relevant audiences: boards of companies focused on digital transformation,  board-level technology committees, C-suite executives