The CEO Pay Ratio: Data and Perspectives from the 2018 Proxy Season

In brief: The CEO pay ratio rule—a ruling from the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act—requires public companies to disclose in their annual proxy statements the ratio between total annual compensation of the CEO and total annual compensation of the company’s median employee.

As the 2018 proxy season ensued, Pearl Meyer and Main Data Group began collecting and analyzing extensive data on the inaugural CEO Pay Ratio disclosures in an effort to identify any trends, important comparisons, or unexpected results. The findings are provided in this report.

This resource can help your board understand

  • How other companies are disclosing their CEO pay and median employee pay
  • Various methodologies for calculating the CEO pay ratio
  • Reaction to the ratio by investors, the press, and employees

Most relevant audiences: Audit committee chairs, audit committee members, CEOs, general counsels, investor relations team